Facts to know:
- As a first step before planting a new vineyard, compost or organic fertilizer is brought out to the field.
- Second step is plowing the field.
- The planting density per hectare is defined by variety, the terroir of the vineyard and the training method. Goblet training like in the south of France or Spain as well as Basket training require a lot of space and cannot be compared to Cordon or Spur pruning systems.
- The vines are planted by special machines with the help of GPS
- After planting, sticks, iron bars and wire tension are installed to guide and protect the young plant.
- Seeding the greening between the wine plants is the last work. This ensures biological diversity and organic fertilizer. It is necessary to be able to pass the rows by tractor after rain. If there is no greening it will lead to compression of the soil.