After clearing a plant, the soil preparation is started. Depending on the nutrient supply and soil type, the composition of the nutrients can be changed with compost and organic fertilizer.
After plowing in autumn, the soil structure can be refined and leveled in the spring with a rotary harrow. Depending on the variety and location the plant density per hectare is determined.
For this, the distance between the vines and the distance between the rows are defined. To use the space as efficient as possible the rows are temporarily displayed with sticks and now the rows are visible.
Today a planting is carried out by machine. With GPS the row is planted on +- 2cm exactly and parallel. The planting depth can be regulated exactly, as can be seen in the video, the positioning of the vine takes place exactly, the conveyance is done manually.
Row by row is planted and as can be seen in the video the device can be controlled, by GPS both shifted horizontally and shifted vertically.
The next step is the hammering of the sticks or iron bars and wires tension. After seeding the greening in the rows, a new vineyard is completed.